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ACE Brain Retractor

ACE Brain Retractor

Existing Retractors

Existing Retractors

Conformable Retractor

Conformable Retractor

Skull Mount

Skull Mount

Skull Mount

Skull Mount

ACE Brain Retraction System

Fellow, Center for Innovation in Neuroscience and Technology


The ACE Brain Retraction System is a novel brain retractor that replaces the stiff, stainless steel components of previous systems with disposable and pliable, vacuum operated bags. Additionally, the cranial mount has a small footprint in the operating field, a great improvement over current retraction systems.


  • Worked with a cross-functional team of engineering professors and neurosurgeons
  • Developed and prototyped an improved brain retraction device as a member of a small cross-disciplinary team of engineers and neurosurgeons.

  • Presented ideas to Stryker Corporation for possible licensing  



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